An Invitation from Christina

This assessment helps you see how all the root causes of your conditions, even your subconscious patterns, can be quantified - and therefore our subsequent healing work can be precise and effective, rather than an endless series of stabs in the dark.

While not everyone who gets an Intuitive Health Assessment chooses to take the next steps with me for healing, every client who has achieved complete and permanent healing with my guidance started with an Assessment. The insights it provided helped them feel confident that they were doing the right thing to invest their money, time, and hope in their healing process.

Experiencing high levels of trust at the outset naturally increases your commitment to the process throughout and contributes greatly to positive outcomes by the end.

What the IHA Entails

The premise of the Intuitive Health Assessment is that your body knows what it needs to heal - we just have to know what questions to ask.

Once your purchase your Assessment, you'll be prompted to complete a form that tells me about the condition(s) you're experiencing. I highly recommend that you include EVERY CONDITION you can think of, major and minor. Get the most bang for your buck!

When I receive your information, I'll conduct the Assessment by connecting intuitively with your body's wisdom to ask it many specific, organized questions that get to all the root causes, including:
- how many blocks & attachments you have in the 12 categories of subconscious emotional patterns, and their impact on your condition(s)
- which Gene Keys are involved in your condition(s)
- other spiritual root causes (soul contracts, active past life connections, karma)
- physical root causes, especially nutritional deficiencies

PLUS, the Assessment includes a customized action plan, derived directly from your body's wisdom, for resolving all the root causes. Whether you choose to continue with my help or not, you'll no longer have to wonder which supplements, diet, exercise, etc., will be most beneficial to your healing.

I'll deliver these insights to you in a thorough PDF, which we can review together during a 60-minute Zoom call.
Screenshot of a blank Intuitive Health Assessment


Do you have questions about the Intuitive Health Assessment? I'm happy to answer them via email.